Thursday, November 12, 2009

My Amazing Rescue Story

This morning I was woken up by crows creating a racket and pecking at the window. My mother saw that they were pecking at something and woke me up. I woke up to see that the crows were pecking at an Owl. It was badly injured and was bleeding. We called my father into the scene. He took a stick and drove away the crows. We saw that the Owl was stuck between the window grill and the glass.

For the past 10 days or so, we had seen the same Barn Owl screeching in the evening. But today, it was in our window, bleeding badly. We took turns turning away the crows because they would kill it. We didn’t want that to happen ! Not at all ! So my mother immediately called up Katraj Zoo as they had a rescue team. And a person named Santosh came.

We showed him the owl. He asked for some water and some turmeric. Turmeric works like an antiseptic. He mixed some water with the turmeric and applied on the owl’s wounds. He then took some more water and poured it into the Owl’s beak. It silently drank the water and was resting in a cloth bag. Santosh bhaiyya then washed his hands and took the sleeping owl in a cloth bag away to Katraj Zoo.

Note : I did not make this story up. It was real !!!


  1. how wonderful for you and the owl!!
    divya tate

  2. Good work Nandini :) hope u can rescue many more animals and birds.. call me anytime u need help.. Hugs :)

  3. We read your note on the rescuing of the owl. It was very nice of you to do this good deed & we congratulate you for doing this good deed.
    With best wishes to you (also to the owl)
    Thatha & Patti.
