Thursday, November 12, 2009

My Amazing Rescue Story

This morning I was woken up by crows creating a racket and pecking at the window. My mother saw that they were pecking at something and woke me up. I woke up to see that the crows were pecking at an Owl. It was badly injured and was bleeding. We called my father into the scene. He took a stick and drove away the crows. We saw that the Owl was stuck between the window grill and the glass.

For the past 10 days or so, we had seen the same Barn Owl screeching in the evening. But today, it was in our window, bleeding badly. We took turns turning away the crows because they would kill it. We didn’t want that to happen ! Not at all ! So my mother immediately called up Katraj Zoo as they had a rescue team. And a person named Santosh came.

We showed him the owl. He asked for some water and some turmeric. Turmeric works like an antiseptic. He mixed some water with the turmeric and applied on the owl’s wounds. He then took some more water and poured it into the Owl’s beak. It silently drank the water and was resting in a cloth bag. Santosh bhaiyya then washed his hands and took the sleeping owl in a cloth bag away to Katraj Zoo.

Note : I did not make this story up. It was real !!!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Contribution from Rupali didi for kids blog !

A silly poem for the kid's blog :

If this book should dare to roam,
Box it's ears and send it home.
Steal not this book for fear or for shame,
Look up and see the owner's name.
On Judgement day, The Lord will say,
"Where is the book you had stolen away?"
On it you will say, "I cannot tell",
The Lord will kick you, "Straight to Hell!!!"

from Rupali Pandya.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Hi everyone! I just wanted to share 20 important tips for a Germ Free school year

The school year always brings new friends, new teachers, new assignments, and unfortunately some new germs. But not to worry, a new school year doesn't have to mean new illnesses!

Follow these tips and you might score a perfect attendance record this year!

1. Wash your hands with soap and water after you sneeze, cough, or use the bathroom. Count to 20 or sing a couple of rounds of Row, Row, Row Your Boat while you scrub!

2. Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer if soap and water aren't available.

3. Use a tissue when you need to sneeze or cough. Throw your tissues in the trashdon't attempt a Guinness World Record for the biggest pile of dirty tissues!

4. If you can't stifle a cough or sneeze in a tissue quickly enough, sneeze into the crook of your elbow.

5. Take a multi-vitamin every day.

6. Don't share water bottles or drinks. Your friend might not know he or she is sick and spread germs to you.

7. Don't share your hair brush or hat. Little creatures like head lice could be hiding out and could be passed on from one person to another.

8. Stay home from school, sports practice, and parties if you feel sick or have a fever.

9. Wash your dishes with detergent and very warm water to kill germs.

10. Stay away from family gatherings and reunions if you are sick or if one of your family members is sick. Grandma and Grandpa and younger cousins may have a stronger reaction to the illness than you do.

11. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables. A healthy diet can help boost your immune system and help you fight off illnesses before they make you sick!

12. Sleep eight or more hours every night. A strong body will help you fend off infections.

13. Wash your hands after you high five, fist bump or shake someone's hand.

14. Don't double dip into the salsa or dip.

15. Get some fresh air and exercise every day. Outside air often carries fewer germs than stagnant indoor air.

16. Avoid crowded places like movie theaters and shopping malls if the flu has been reported in your town.

17. Don't touch your eyes, nose, or mouth. These areas are germ spreaders.

18. Don't share ear buds with friends. They can harbor loads of germs.

19. Blow kisses to your sick friends and family instead of kisses and hugs.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Friday, September 4, 2009

My Grandparent's golden (50th)anniversary

I have written this poem for my Grandparent's 50th wedding anniversary, which is today!!

This is a golden day

In a very loving way

So I ‘d like to say

It’s like a birthday

Of your wedding day!

It is very clear

Both of you are near

Year after year

Making both of you, dear

This is your golden chance

So, make a wish

You might want to dance

And not wash every single dish!

We really appreciate

What love can create

The family of eight

Where caring is a trait!!!!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Ganpati Bappa Morayya

Contribution from Mridula, std 3.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Gillygirl has written a song and I am composing a tune for it .It is coming along very well!!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

funny words

qwerty-an illness that makes you a pig that has biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig warts :()
aswerun-a beetle red in colour

Grub in grub !!!

This is a post by both Gilly girl and Little Miss Sunshine

We spotted a caterpillar while shelling peas. It was a green and maroon and big. We examined it and put it in the soil. We continued shelling the peas and thought there were no more. Then we got a shock and Amma/Aunty fell from her chair in fright. The earth shook and the trees trembled all because of "Grub", the newest member of the Caterpillar Club. Grub was a baby caterpillar. Now we really thought that there were no more. But we saw a FAT GREEN CATERPILLAR !!!!!!

We named him Mr. Smiley ! Now we thought we were done but we found a small dead caterpillar. Thinking it was one of the others, we gave it as much love as we loved the others. By now we think you might have guessed that this was a full fledged caterpillar family !!! We hope they become full grown beautiful butterflies fluttering in our garden !

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Sunbird !


The sunbird whistles and chirps
It echoes through the valley
I first heard it, it was sharp and gay
All through Kulu Manali!

How sweet it sounds
The gay whistling bird
For, there it was basking in the sun
While I was roaming the grounds.

I often stop to think
“How does the sunbird feel?”
It seems so black and blue
And not glamorously pink!

I often feel a little weird
If for a year I don’t see the little bird
For long I feel the same way
Until it’s summer in May!

! :)!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Hi Gillygirl,
I cant believe I am saying this ,but I am tired of no studies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Hey, ! L M S, My Prinicipal might check out our blog ! I am very excited ! :-)))))))

a poem for my grandpa

This is the poem I wrote for my Grandpa’s 80th birthday-

In Tamil “Grandpa” is known as “Thatha”

I give you this poem right in time (not late)
I want you to celebrate,
This birth date.

I think of you
Every time it’s true
I’m so glad
My Grandad
Is you!

You are so patient and kind,
I would never, ever find
Someone like you
To teach me through
This way of life

You are like my king
As you bring
Us all joy.
You let in the light
And you bet
You are always right!



Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Enchanted Glade

In these misty woods I see
Lots of bushes,plants and trees
In this enchanting glade I hear
Lots of birds singing bright and clear

In this place I can look
At lots of flowers in every nook
In a cavern lives an immortal fairy
Whenever I see her she looks wary

This magical glade I will never forget
I always see flying cattle egrets
A sorrow it is to part with it
This glade from my mind I will never omit

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

In that nook,
I found a book,
I'd like to read
it's nice indeed,
not in a hurry
to finish the book,
in that cozy nook!