Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Enchanted Glade

In these misty woods I see
Lots of bushes,plants and trees
In this enchanting glade I hear
Lots of birds singing bright and clear

In this place I can look
At lots of flowers in every nook
In a cavern lives an immortal fairy
Whenever I see her she looks wary

This magical glade I will never forget
I always see flying cattle egrets
A sorrow it is to part with it
This glade from my mind I will never omit


  1. LMS! Great poem! Love your rhyme!

  2. Hi girlies! I'm really glad you set up your own's such a nice thing to have. I know my own blog has been a buddy to me for the last five years. Keep writing.

    Tia Didi

    P.S. Did you know that 'yen' means a strong when you really want something, you have a yen for it?

  3. thank's Liquifier didi!Thank you for commenting on our poems!Hope you keep commenting on our writings and hope that you can guide us too!Lots of HUGS to you too! :-)

  4. Anonymous14/8/09 08:49

    thanks everyone!
    i got the idea from sleeping beauty

  5. Anonymous24/8/09 21:50

    congratulations to the bloggers! It's a great way to express your thoughts and feelings.
    "The Enchanted Glade" was charming. It took me to a fairy tale land.
